What is your true potential?
Do you find yourself looking at others and wishing you had what they had, or wondering what your true potential is?
I believe we are each born with unlimited potential. I also know that as I grew and experienced failures and setbacks my potential got covered up with loads of inner criticism and doubt. The result? I stayed small, and tried to conform until I finally woke up and changed my inner dialog. As a Catalyst Life Coach I have been working with my inner dialog and self care for years. I often find some of my greatest teachers in nature, here’s an example.
This is a picture of me expressing my gratitude to this amazing teacher, “Esther”~an ordinary Easter Lily, that clearly recognized and embodied her true potential.
“Esther”, our Easter Lily came into our home potted in a standard size container. I thought Esther’s purpose was to bring us visual joy and release her amazing fragrance throughout the spring season.
Look what happened when, at the end of the season, we planted her in rich soil with room to grow! Esther woke up to her true potential. I’m 5’4” and as you can see she stands at least 6’ tall. She also has changed her color from white to a beautiful golden yellow. She continues to grace our home with her beauty and glory each year. Esther didn’t let the ‘story’ or ‘beliefs’ about being a seasonal flower stop her.
However, she didn’t do it alone. She was put into an environment where she had the freedom to thrive. She was supported with proper food, water, and light to grow and expand. Are you trying to reach your potential alone? Is your environment conducive for growth or do you feel stuck?
If you feel stuck, I’m here to help you see your potential and teach you how to nourish yourself. Is your heart desiring more? GOOD, that means the time is right for you. It takes courage and commitment to grow. Are you ready? Start your journey with a simple step…book a Catalyst Life Coaching discovery session today. Stop wondering and start learning how to experience your best self.
Sending you Love & Light, Susie Raymond
Catalyst Life Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher, Esthetician, Clear Inner Focus™ Coach