Awareness Acceptance and Self Love these are my first steps in loving myself from the inside out. In January I signed up for a 10 week long course titled “Transformational Coaching”. We are four weeks into meeting, 25 of us on zoom, a group of experienced coaches from around the globe. I was surprised and curious as I witnessed myself with awareness in the classroom. We are discussing personal patterns. Exploring the concept that we don’t often see our own patterns because they are activated through our unconscious mind. To change a pattern we need to bring it into our awareness. I want to share my personal experience of becoming aware of a very old pattern of mine.

In the classroom I became acutely aware of how I saw an old pattern of mine. My pattern; hide by being the quiet observer. Don’t take a chance to raise your hand because what if you are wrong. It is safer to be quiet and keep my observations and input to myself. I was the quiet student who did not participate because I was afraid of potential criticism.

As I witnessed myself I accepted what I saw with awareness and thought; “Wow, I haven’t seen that part of me show up in so long.” I was gentle with the part of myself that was afraid to share. However I took this class to network with other coaches, to share my knowledge and perspective, and to expand my own knowledge. In being gentle with myself vs. criticizing how I was showing up it led me naturally to my next steps.

Self love in this case is the gentle inner thoughts I fed myself, and the gift of awareness around seeing a pattern that has been in the shadows. I saw my inner thoughts running the gambit of “They all know more than I do.” The internal stories that my mind created about the other students. Oh the mind has an active imagination. I also recognized that being the quiet observer serves me in some situations however not who I wanted to be in this environment.

When we have tension in our minds around a situation a powerful coaching tool is “Name it to tame it.” That is exactly what I did. I sent an e-mail to the Coaching Teacher and shared my awareness and my intention to be more participatory in the next class. That test was yesterday and I’m happy to acknowledge myself for showing up and sharing when I felt inspired to share. I was in my natural flow of just being me and it was enough, and it felt good.

Do you desire to uncover some of your own limiting beliefs and patterns that are holding you back? Is there something in your life you have been wanting to shift so that you experience less stress and anxiety? I have two opportunities for you. If you’re shy, like me, and desire to work 1:1 I currently have openings for two new 1:1 Coaching clients, schedule your complimentary consultation to learn more. If you are curious to learn more about your personal patterns and how to shift them by working in a group environment, join my class where we will use The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz as a container to examine our own patterns. This group coaching class will begin on Thursday 3/24/22 from 6-7:30 and is an eight week class. Curious to learn more? Let’s chat.

Sending you Love & Light, Susie Raymond

Life Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher, Esthetician, Clear Inner Focus Coach/Teacher