Reiki has been a part of my life for 24 years. The Reiki energy is deeply woven into my being. Reiki is always showing up for my highest good and the highest good of anyone I’m working with. It hasn’t always felt that way in my mind…it has been a journey. One thing I experienced early in my Reiki practice is that the level of healing energy received by my client is not a condition of how quiet I keep my mind. As I offer Reiki to myself and others I recognize that the more I trust myself and allow the Reiki to flow, with a deep inner knowing that I can’t do it wrong, the deeper the connection feels to the flow of this unconditional love called Reiki.
As a Reiki Master/Teacher for over ten years, when I prepare to teach I will reflect on how I felt as a Reiki I student (October of 2001). I remember how active my mind and inner critic was when I was a student. The inner dialogue that was loud inside my head:
“Who am I to learn and offer Reiki?”
“Do I have what it takes?”
“I’m not special, I’m not psychic.”
“How will I know if I’m doing it right?”
“What if it doesn’t work when I offer it?”
I was so wrapped up in the “Oh no, what if I’m not good enough” thoughts. I’m eternally grateful for my first Reiki Teacher, Nancy Retzlaff, who guided us into a beautiful meditation where I was able to connect with my heart and begin my journey of listening to my heart vs. my head. I will always remember the angel card I pulled, as a Reiki I student, I received the angel of “Purpose”. I can really see how Reiki has taught me to trust myself, let go and allow the healing to happen.
How has Reiki taught me to increase my inner trust? Often the lessons come from clients who receive Reiki from me. Early in my practice I remember offering Reiki to a client and at the same time being distracted in my mind by the tasks of owning and operating a full service Day Spa. My mind was multitasking, wondering if my massage therapist showed up, did the appointments for tomorrow receive a confirmation call, did my children get home safely from school? At the end of the Reiki session I had every intention of not charging the client because I wasn’t “present enough” when I was offering her Reiki. She sat up from her reiki session and remarked “This was the best reiki session I ever received. I processed through some inner thoughts, gained clarity, and felt so deeply relaxed and supported. Thank you, I’m so grateful for what you offered me.” I humbly received her words and said, “It was the Reiki energy that flows through me. You and the Reiki did the work, I’m a vessel.” This example confirmed that the Reiki is flowing through me for the highest good of my client. My job as a Reiki provider is to stay out of the way. I bow with gratitude at how Reiki taught me to trust more.
I remember years later when I was taking Reiki Master/Teacher class with Laurelle Shanti Gaia and Michael Arthur Baird, at the Peace Place in Sedona. The concept that Laurelle taught was as you step into your Reiki session invite your ego to step aside. I now understand that the ego can flood the mind with those doubting thoughts. That powerful step of quietly inviting my ego to step aside as I step in and offer Reiki provides the perfect container for grace and trust.
Reiki continued to increase my trust and faith as I witnessed its power and flow in all sorts of environments. Early on in my Reiki journey, I struggled with explaining Reiki in words, so if someone was interested I would ask if they wanted to experience it. I remember offering Reiki to individuals in so many different types of environments, ie: a convention center at a wellness symposium, football game, or family party. The Reiki energy always flowed. It was not dependent on the calm environment of my treatment room. Witnessing the flow of Reiki increased my inner trust and further reinforced the idea of inviting my ego to step aside and allow the reiki to flow from a place of trust and love.
Fast forward to March of 2020 when I had to close my business for six weeks due to Covid. The fear and the “what if” thoughts were high. I would begin my day with Reiki and invite myself to imagine I had two walking sticks with me. They were the walking sticks of trust and faith. I offered my first virtual Reiki share in April 2020. I stepped in with a small amount of trepidation and a large dose of trust and faith. Again Reiki increased my trust as the energy was felt and shared through zoom. I now thank Reiki and the pandemic for increasing my trust and faith and expanding my horizons beyond my treatment room. In August of 2020 I took the Holy Fire Reiki Master Teacher training with William Lee Rand. I’m grateful for the Holy Fire energy and the ability to teach this modality to anyone, anywhere in the world. I love to imagine what our world would be like if everyone practiced Reiki and/or any form of sharing unconditional love.
Reiki has continued to teach me to check in with my heart. I use Reiki daily. It feels as close to me as my breath. I trust myself deeply and I’m forever grateful for the relationship I have curated with Reiki which is the energy of universal love and light flowing from the divine source of unconditional love.
Curious to learn Reiki or continue your journey? Learn Reiki or join a Reiki share to practice with other like minded individuals. Check out the current schedule here.
Sending Love & Light,
Susie Raymond
Emotional Empowerment Life Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher, Esthetician, Catalyst Clear Inner Focus Coach