Believing is the 4th step in the Seven Steps to Positive Change ™.


Believe: Take the “e” or EGO out of the Believe and you get Be-Live.
What does the ego have to do with Believing? Our ego’s job is to keep us safe. The ego wants to protect us from shame and embarrassment. It will guide us to make the same choices we have in the past to keep us static.

Believing in your dream or desire takes conscious awareness of seeing the thought of the ego or ‘limiting belief’ that is keeping you stuck, then being open to receive a new thought, believing in the possibility of your desire, and seeing evidence where you have experienced it in the past.

The act of engaging the imagination is a powerful step in creating a positive change. The ACTION of believing is seeing it and feeling the desired outcome, internally first and then looking for evidence to support the belief. Often when we allow ourselves to step into believing, the EGO will show up with our limiting beliefs. Common inner thoughts from the ego are: I can’t, I don’t know how, I’m not as good as everyone else.

These are some of my limiting beliefs as it relates to me both receiving and offering Life Coaching. The evidence of success helped me change my limiting beliefs, and believing now fuels me to follow my passion and and facilitate changes in my own life and others’ through Life Coaching.

When I looked into investing and receiving support from a Life Coach it was at a time I was financially struggling, not owning my value, working hard but not seeing results. Following the initial consultation my ego screamed at me: “You can’t afford this.” “You can do this on your own.” “She’s just a smarmy salesperson trying to hook you, so she can make all the money and drain your bank account.” “You don’t deserve this.” “What if it doesn’t make any difference?” I initially resisted and allowed the ego to be right, for about a month.

However, I continued to hear the longing in my heart for more…more understanding, more abundance, more freedom, more joy and ease. When I listened to my heart I was being drawn to this work, and this coach. She created a vision of what it could look like to be a successful Life Coach.

But my EGO’s voice was loud and attempted to shut down my hearts desire. Here is a sample of what my ego was screaming at me:

“You can’t afford this.”

“You can do it on your own. Just work harder.”

“You have to prove yourself first. You need to have the money to hire her before you spend the money.”

“No one will pay you for Life Coaching, so why are you paying someone to receive Life Coaching?”

Ego: “You can’t afford this.”

Limiting Belief: I’ll never really have the financial freedom to get what I want. I have to prove that I have the money before I invest in myself.

Evidence: I have evidence that I’ve always been able to pay my bills, support my family, and run a successful business for 20 years.

BELIEVING: Investing in my self-growth brings new thoughts which lead to new actions which creates new avenues for financial freedom. I’m trusting.

Ego: “You can do it on your own.”

Limiting Belief: If I ask for help I’m weak. I just need to work harder.

Evidence: When I recognize areas where I need help and hire an expert, I feel so supported. It allows me to think more creatively, and I’m actually far more productive than when I try to push through and do it on my own.

BELIEVING: It feels so good to be supported. I enjoy supporting others. It is natural to receive support when I need it to fuel myself. When I open myself to receiving I have so much more to offer.

Ego: “You have to prove yourself first. You need to have the money to hire her before you spend the money.”

Limiting Belief: You don’t deserve to receive coaching.

Awareness: If I continue to believe I don’t deserve, then I continue to live from a lack perspective, I’m not open to receiving anything new, and nothing changes.

Evidence: I invested in business coaching when I changed my business name, services, structure from The Spa @ Le Grande to White Sage Spa and within six months completely re-vamped my business. I invested in becoming a Certified Life Coach and started a journey into learning how to love myself from the inside out.

BELIEVING: I know this feeling of fear and resistance. I also know the feeling of stepping in and investing in myself. I have evidence that when I believe in myself and my worth and my ability to create the funds will be there. I’m sending a message of trusting myself and the universe.

Ego: “No one will pay you for Life Coaching, so why are you paying someone to receive life coaching?”

Limiting Belief: “Your not good enough!” ARGG!

Evidence: I have seen my own growth through receiving coaching. I have seen incredible changes in individuals that I’ve coached. I have received testimonials that illustrate the lasting value received from my Catalyst Coaching. I have witnessed individuals move from fear and lack into making life changes allowing for more freedom, joy, and ease.

BELIEVING: I know the personal value that Life Coaching has provided for me. Coaching is worth the investment to learn, grow, and practice new ways of thinking and being in order to create the life I desire. I’m worth it, and I believe if I invest in myself I will create more abundance. It brings me incredible joy to teach, guide, model this knowledge for others through 1:1 coaching and group coaching through my workshops. Coaching is a passion and it lights me up.

I trust these illustrations give you an opportunity to view your own EGO when it comes to believing in your desire. The invitation is to see your EGO without judging it and then inviting it to step aside and BE-LIVE, in your quest to BELIEVE your way.

Want to learn tools to support you in this journey? Join my Personal Leadership Class beginning September 11 for a six week interactive, learning, experience. Curious about becoming a Life Coach? This is a pre-requisite course for any Life Coaching Certification. Why, because the best Life Coaches have learned how to coach themselves with awareness, acceptances and self love.

Schedule a 30 min free discovery session to see if it is time for you to step into your personal transformation. You deserve it!

Susie Raymond, Emotional Empowerment Life Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher, Esthetician, Clear Inner Focus Coach