I have been highlighting the 7 Steps to Positive Change ™. This next step is probably the hardest for me to implement and also the most impactful in changing my inner dialogue.

With a tendency to push myself, be hard on myself, a bit of a perfectionist…. I remember learning this step and saying WHAT! Can I really do that?


Let’s do a really quick review of the first 5 steps.

  1. Awareness, acceptance, and self love!
  2. Desire
  3. Open to receive
  4. Believe
  5. Inspiration or Inspired Step

Step 6: ENOUGH!

How to practice it? Simply remember it! Remind yourself that you are enough, you have done enough, and that you are okay right where you are.

What are the results of practicing this step? Being gentler with yourself, increasing your inner trust, being in the flow vs. fighting the current situation and paddling upstream.

Paddling upstream may be necessary to reach your desire. Feeling the resistance is part of Step 5 “taking an inspired step”. The feeling of paddling upstream reminds you of your strength and courage to go for it. When you feel the resistance and work through it with awareness, acceptance, and self love you get clear that you are moving toward the direction of your desire.

The step of ENOUGH is turning your boat downstream and allowing all that you have done to come your way. Re-assuring yourself that you have done all that you need to do.

Practicing this step makes me notice when I hit the sweet spot of my journey, where I truly give myself permission to be with all that I am and have done. I invite you to tell yourself “it’s enough”.

At the end of the day look at all that you have done and been and remind yourself that you are enough!

WHY? Because YOU ARE!

Want to learn more tools that allow you to be your best self, calm the inner critic, navigate all your relationships resulting in win/win situations vs. struggle and resentment? Join my 6 week Personal Leadership Mastery class beginning Sept 11. Space is limited so if you are interested contact me at susie@whitesagespa.com.

Not interested in learning in a group setting? Dive deep into your own resistance with 1:1 Catalyst Coaching in my six month agreement where I’ve witnessed many clients create lasting transformation within their lives. Schedule a 30 min. complimentary discovery session to learn more.

Susie Raymond

Emotional Empowerment Life Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher, Esthetician, Clear Inner Focus Coach